Welcome to the 1:28 Xmods Section

Make sure you have a look in the 'PimpMyMod' section 
Note to Canadian Xmod owners
Circuit City Stores announced that by July 1, 2005, that it will re-brand all of the RadioShack stores in Canada to The Source. Here is some interesting information about the whole Radio Shack issue it explains exactly what has happened, click Here to read.
Mission statement
biline.ca is not affiliated with any retail businesses online or otherwise, any mention of businesses or services are due to the relevance of the article you are reading, I may endorse a product or service from time to time but only within the direct relation to the scope of the article you are reading. I have purchased all the items that are reviewed for my personal use and my reviews are based on my experiences with the product. I attempt to provide readers with as much information as possible in all my articles to allow readers to make informed decisions before they spend on a product or service. I firmly believe on full disclosure and if Microsoft was to provide me a laptop with Vista installed to review the newest operating system (and told me to keep the laptop) this information would be indicated up front and the product would probably still get a bad review (fine at least a fair review). As the actual user of the products and services I review, my opinions are based on what I consider to be important features or options, I may overlook items that others consider to be a issue. The only revenue generated through this website is the links provided by Google and I have no control over who or what is shown. That being said I also do not necessarily endorse the vender nor can I vouch for the product.
May 30th 2009
A New Evo Xmod was released the '2009 Audi R8' have a look Here
Nov 14th 2008
Evo Gen 3 Xmods released? The 'Shack' has released a couple of new models a '1965 Ford Mustang' and a '2008 Nissan GT-R' and last but not least a '2008 Corvette Z06' the only difference noted is that the crystals are not interchangeable, have a look Here
Oct 17th 2007
I added a review of the E-flite Blade Cx2 RC helicopter, have a read Here
July 24th 2007
Hey the 'Shack' has released a couple of new models that are related to the new Transformers movie specifically 'Bumblebee' and 'Barricade' have a look Here
Wow and I was begining to think the Xmods were dead as they keep 'retiring' older models and various upgrades! It's nice to see something new, hopefully it will keep coming!
March 6th 2006
I've added four rather large reviews of products I've ordered recently
you'll find them in the Review Section, click Here to visit.
Feb 20th 2006
Added the unofficial mirror of PimpMyMod, click Here to visit.
Jan 16th 2006
Added a Motor Review and Purchasing/Modification Tutorial, click Here to read.
Jan 9th 2006
Added lots of stuff about the new Xmods Evo (Evolution)
Click any link below to visit.
Evo Models | Evo vs Xmod | Evo Upgrades | Evo FAQ
Oct 6th 2005
Updated the Xmod Models page, click Here to read.
Updated the Accessories pages, click Here to read.
November 20th 2004
I added a Review Section, click Here to visit.
October 27th 2004
Added the Builder's Corner this is where i'll showcase Xmods and the owners description of what was done to build the car feel free to check it out and submit yours, click Here to read.
October 21st 2004
Completed the SB Motor Mod tutorial, click Here to read.
October 20th 2004
Started design on the Xmod section I'll be adding more content as I go along.